Friday, 3 April 2009

A Learning Theory for 21st Century Students

The latest Innovate magazine has an article on a learning theory for the 21st century. Interesting reading and very relevant to my own journey of wanting to know what will work in an online environment to ensure quality teaching and learning happens. The difficult part is bridging the gap between theory and practice (praxis), and this is what I, and a group of colleagues, are wanting to do. Hopefully the outcome will be a set of guidelines which teachers can use to help them provide quality on-line learning experiences for their students.

1 comment:

rachlovestheweb said...

Hi Conor,
Good discussion last week. This is just a reminder about the site I mentioned to you and Malcolm - We would love to have you visit and join in the dialogue with us and others around the issue of shifting to 21st century thinking about learning.
Keep up the good work on this blog!