Thursday, 28 August 2008

This week - What i did

This week I have been at Forest View High School and Tauhara College.
I had a good day at FVHS, really just catching up with staff and following up on the workshops I ran during my last visit. Generally positive feedback on workshops, especially regarding online tools like Hot potatoes, Content Generator and Exe.

Follow up:
    1. Chris Y – Hot Potatoes – examples of applications in Maths
    2. Whane – Hot Potatoes and myclasses
    3. Attila – useful economics websites
    4. Denise – Using powerpoint and data projectors
    5. Brief meeting with Richard to discuss reason for visit and meeting on 28 August.
    6. Met with Chris (L2 Acc. student doing course via VC) and did some work with him on work he was behind in. Organised text book for him.

The follow up will occur when I am next at FVHS.

My visit to Tauhara centered around provision of one on one PD. Areas covered included:

  • Use of UltraNet - uploading files and photos
  • Use of data projectors - how to. Worked with Languages department and Physed
  • Use of youtube and slideshare as a teaching resource
  • Attended the ICT committee meeting.

Also attended the Volcanics Principals Management Group meeting on Thursday afternoon

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